Foundations of Thriving:

Deepening Intimacy | Harmonizing Connection & Power

An Advanced Relationship Immersive | Ontodelic Relationality for Singles and Couples

A Month-long Online Experiential Journey

Pre-Registration Open Now:
To be Scheduled at Capacity

Full Schedule Below

Common issues for many couples include:

  • Communication and negotiation

  • Personal and relational boundaries

  • Differentiation and individuation

  • Unmet needs

  • Wanting to build a strong foundation

  • Feeling neglected or smothered by a partner

  • Wounded power dynamics of one-upping and one-downing.

  • Needing a shared language + skillsets

  • Navigating the underlying dynamics of walled-off or boundaryless interactions

  • Trauma + wounding

  • Sexual connection

  • Triggered by a partner's behavior that doesn't seem to change

  • Feeling disconnected or emotionally numb to the relationship.

  • Cyclical conflicts

  • Power struggles

  • Worldview

What this journey will bring into your relationship and life:

  • The clarity to be able to see beneath the surface, identify and tangibly discover your core patterns together (Transformative!)

  • More feelings of being deeply seen and understood.

  • The self-clarity that opens relating with deeper curiosity, accessibility, and responsiveness.

  • The safety + stability of compassionately understanding the deepest emotions within you + your partner’s system

  • The disarming power of speaking vulnerably from and to each other’s core wound with skillfulness and care.

  • Titrating conflict in conversations.

  • Navigating boundaries in a deeper way

  • Specific ways of relating and skillsets that are tailored for you and your partner.

  • Greater awareness

  • Deep healing

  • Accessing your true nature and responding from that place in our core

Skillsets you will practice + embody:

  • Compassionately working with + clarifying each of your deepest patterns and learning to communicate from them and to your partner’s.

  • Practicing with onesself and communicating with vulnerability, accessibility, openness, and responsiveness with your deepest emotions/triggers.

  • How to acknowledge and contact your partner’s experience and emotions as well as your own, even in challenging times.

  • Curiosity over defense.

  • Keys for navigating conflicts in transformative ways. Sustaining presence during difficult emotions and energies

  • Self-regulation and co-regulation

  • Transforming the causal memories underlying emotions for yourself and your partner.

  • Becoming a team in conscious exploration and communication of what’s happening right now inside us.

  • Apologies, requests, bringing things up, loving boundaries, agreements, making repair, stitching and integration.

  • Tracking stages and phases of growth, telling the story wisely of your journey together, the skillset of accurately tracking, praising + celebrating at key moments.

Pre-register now to secure your place in the next cohort. Capacity is limited to ensure an intimate and personalized experience. If we reach maximum capacity, you'll be prioritized in the waitlist for the following immersive. Join us on this transformative journey—we can't wait to dive in with you!

An Aim Towards Relational Experience

Many courses teach to the neck up, leaving you with insights and frameworks to apply. They say ‘Knowledge is Power’ but it actually isn’t power until it’s applied. We want to support you to explore + experience embodying the key new skillsets, new interactions, and new ways of being. Every day will be pivotally oriented around the experientials: explorations, practices, and inquiries into the body, emotions, and relational interactions within the couple and in the group.

A Group Experiential: Peeling back the Layers of the Sacred Relationship Learning Grounds

Singles and Couples are welcome regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, or religion. We will meet with couples and individuals for an initial 30-min intake call to meet and explore more and see if these retreats are a good fit.

If you are already a client, then we won’t need to do the intake call,

  • Issues may range from a good relationship looking to become even richer and more vital or a relationship stuck in negative cycles.

  • Due to the nature of this retreat, we are not working with couples in crisis (and we can help you define this.)

Facing the waves of life, the relationship is one of our deepest learning grounds. It is a sacred reflection of where we are. It is a catalyst for self-awareness.

In these experiential retreats, we will create a safe, confidential container to support you as a couple and as individuals. We will begin with foundational somatic practices paired with Kessler’s 5 personality patterns.

In a loving container, we will facilitate you to get to know yourself and your partner in your deepest relational wounds and gifts, and de-shame the patterns that we all face. With ample guidance and support,

You will practice and embody the ability to navigate deep triggers, and open compassionate resources within.

The result will be that you’re more open + responsive, accessible and vulnerable. You will also receive key practices to take home and explore with

Our Ontodelic approach is informed by cumulative years of experience offering therapy and draws on an array of approaches:

  • Hakomi Therapy, Kessler's Survival Strategies, A.H Almaas + The Diamond Approach, The Gottmans + Terrence Real’s work, Attachment theory, Internal Family Systems, and Gestalt Therapy.

As the time unfolds both in and in between retreats, transformation is deepened with the loving support of your peers and the energetic container. You will gain clarity and work with your dances of connection and disconnection, and realise your resources as a couple or as individuals, strengthen your communication skills, and heal any relationship hurts.

Through experientials, group sharings, and voluntary demo sessions, our intimate cohort will transform together.

By the end of the our time together, you will have a completely re-orchestrated understanding (of self and other and how to respond in conflict. You’ll have a well practiced skillset that lays the foundation for a higher level of flow, connection, wisdom, and ease amidst the challenges of life.

It’s the foundations of emotionally-adept skills of relating, one that our society has yet to avail us of.

We see this course as opening new doors of what’s possible for each couple and person who attends.

We’re excited and committed to make these steps together with you all and after a month, find each couple with new rewarding foundations.

Intimate foundations to permanently
move from surviving to thriving.

What makes this highly experiential immersive unique?

  • The Power of Depth Psychology Maps | A Life-alterring Shift in Self-Awareness

    By identifying our stances (core patterns) and dances (of disconnection + connection) with the support of Kessler’s map’s of developmental survival strategies, we will support you in so many different ways. This shared insight ultimately leads to new ways of communicating during the most difficult experiences and emotions, and a deep hand-in-glove knowing of eachother’s inner terrain during daily life.

    These choldhood patterns + defenses form the deep subconscious of the body, sense of connection, sexuality, and emotional life - which are all connected.

    As light is cast in the shadow, patterns begin to heal and we will explore new ways of connecting, unlocking experiences which deep parts of you have longed for.

    These core insights are a gift you can’t unsee.

  • Becoming More Open + Responsive | Deepening into Accessibility + Vulnerability

    We will consistently practice with couples new ways of being together, communicating, and listening. This isn’t just listening to listen. It’s using the lenses of understanding our partner’s core experience (their patterns formed in childhood). It’s a deeper way of listening and its very intimate and connective. In this way, couples can slow down, learn to identify and have space to really learn what’s deep down: emotions + sensations + memories real-time. There is a curiosity and openness. This is a disarming peace offering and awareness during conflicts and a sense of knowing eachother’s deepest terrain, trust and intimacy available in daily life.

    Our many embodied practices will increase accessibility, vulnerability, openness, de-shaming, decreasing reactivity, and increasing intimate emotional responsiveness.

    We will also practice with communicating specific needs of your own and your partner’s core pattern, and learn how to truly honour those needs in relationship to the highest truths of wholeness and Love. You will have an opportunity to practice working together in creating supportive impromptu containers for intimate sharing and healing.

The Energetic Support of the Group Relational Field

As we set intentions as a group and harmonize in the first sessions, this is the beginning of a confidential holding field of deep energetic support, a felt presence. It supports energetic catalyst and transformation, hive intelligence, and a pulsating field carrying nourishment, resilience, and gifts.

As guides, we will cultivate this, work with it in different ways, and it’s a part of the power and gift of being together.

Self-esteem and Relationship-esteem: Tracking Growth Journeys in Self and Relationship

We can enhance the well-deserved esteem and confidence of ourselves and the couple as a whole. In this, we practice to track the phases, steps, challenges, successes, and stages of the relationship. It’s tracking and telling your story accurately and wisely.

Our commitment to growth ceremony will bolster + honor the fortitude it takes as a couple to grow together. In this course, you will access deep life-changing awarenesses, track the mini-changes, acknowledge and celebrate the actual shifts, watering the greater journey you’re on together.

The Symbolic Power of Psychomagic + Ritual

The unconscious understands very deeply prayer, incantation, and ritual.

Just as the unconscious accepts placebos, it accepts metaphorical acts.

 In fact, it takes a symbolic act as a fact. This adds to the depth of each couple’s transformation by working with the deep symbolic language of life and objects that relate deeply to your soul and shared soul.

Month-long Retreat Schedule + Details

Details within the days may evolve marginally from what’s listed.

  • After the intake call, we’ll set up a 1hr preliminary couples session. In this session, we will have the opportunity to drop in together, prior to or during the time the retreat is underway to explore and support what’s alive and anything that may be coming up for you. We will have the opportunity to explore a bit deeper some of what you may be wanting to work on, heal, or whatever is emergent in the session.

    We’ll review aspects of the intake form (filled out prior to the call), and work with somatic explorative practices to become accustomed to self inquiry and shared inquery. We will also develop an understanding of core patterns in the framework of 5 survival strategies in our personalities.

    If your coupled, during this session we will work together in defining and clarifying any dynamics that want to be supported and goals for the month-long.


    Opening meditation + Introductions + Welcome

    • This is a foundational + insightful + curious + soulful learning adventure together as a couple to be exploring internalised family systems and relational themes inherited from family dynamics patterns and survival strategies, growth, etc.

    • We create the container to have an atmosphere where we hold a sense of curiosity, humility, courage, and commitment that supports our process of growing for self, other, and the relationship together.

    • We will make discoveries and celebrate them, & Celebrate eachother.

    Intentions & Expectations

    In a Break out group

    You will meet each other in small groups first to ease in.

    Share your intentions & expectations.

    Larger group shares


    We will talk about the visioning & goals of our time together, as well as the structure.

    Deepening into the principals & keystones, which are our established agreements that will support the flourishing of our unfoldings and the safety and sanctity our container.


    Principles In Relationship

    Keystone Practices: Sustained for the Month-long and beyond

    - Teamwork- cultivating a sense of working together

    - Reflect, Mirror, Contact, Curious about, Acknowledge: an effort to name something from the last person’s share that stood out, something encouraging or that touched you or that you felt from their share/s.

    - Journaling: Taking time after each class, during each class, during lunch to jot down what kind of clarity points you are taking away or are impacting your system deeply.

    - Integrating + Stitching: This is sense-making, anchoring, insight + process tracking. Essentially stitching and mapping is s a part of relationship-esteem by tracking the stories of our cycles of growth.

    - Celebrating, Praise, Appreciate



    You will be using the object/s your brought to represent the essence of your intentions for you personally and for your relationship.

    You will imbue these objects them with your prayer/intention, and light a candle to initiate the energetic container of catalyst and transformation.



    Drop in Meditation + Grounding

    Morning session

    Looking through the lens of the past

    We learn how family constellations inform and influence the subconscious emotional material that is most intimately being worked with in relationships. The psychological / emotional learnings and patterns of interaction that we learned in our family inform and colour our “present” thoughts, feelings and actions.

    Identify the family patterns that drive us in our relationships and pinpoint patterns of intense feelings directly rooted in our childhood.

    As we come to understand the nature of trauma, we can have compassion for the scope of these somatic/body memories, feelings, sensations, reactions and their origin.

    We learn how they manifest in the body, thoughts, perspectives & lenses and in relationships.

    Together we explore and crystallise those “driven” behaviors and feelings aka trauma responses.

    Group share what we may identify

    * Younger parts, (implicit/exlicit) and how we can meet them together-

    * Emotional and feeling orientation: the meaning of feelings, emotions, and behavior

    * Our internal dialogues about self and other and the world

    LUNCH - 2hrs

    Afternoon Session

    Opportunity for Counsel


    Survival patterns + younger fragmented parts + Reconsolidation

    What are your relational cycles and how are these informed by your patterns - what would you like to work on?

    • Explore unconscious survival strategies alive in these moments and how they affect your ability to stay connected to your partner.

    • Discover ways the initial function of these strategies were the only way you could receive love when you were little.

    • Compassionately and lovingly reclaim these young parts together and work with the exiled and protector parts of you.

    • Renegotiate the strategies that currently complicate your ability to proactively work through issues as they are seeing the world and your partner through this lens

    • Learn new ways of coping with fragmented parts so that you can see the cycle as the child trying to get love or prevent death, and learn how to maintain a positive connection even in the midst of challenging moments.

    • Have a direct experience, as a couple, reconsolidating these memories together, sharing a new experience, anchoring that new experience in the present, embracing the new felt experience, integrating in new ways of being, and celebrating your success together.

    Group reflections


    Experiential break out groups


    • Identify and explore any stance / dances dynamics and also gifts! What brings you together?

    In this, explore the protective beliefs/strategies of your survival strategy.

    Help each other and reflect in loving ways to identify these patterns in each other.

    Where do I go?

    what pattern happens when I go into overwhelm?

    what am I making up about myself, the world, and how I need to act in order to receive love?

    How this wisdom impacts you now that you can understand more about yourself and your partner?

    What are your resources as a couple?

    What are the connection dynamics?

    What is it that brings you together? When? How?

    Practice Integrating + Stitching

    Integrate with Group

    Closing + Prep for next session


    Opening meditation

    Group check in’s

    learnings, things you have identified, inquiries, successes & victories


    Growing up, we hid, compartmentalised, and froze a lot of reactions and feelings in our body. It was a part of our survival strategies. And by bringing presence, we are thawing the ice.

    The more open and accessible we are to the vulnerable feelings in our own bodies, the more we can bring those gifts to our relationship.

    * Curiosity + Presence + Co-regulation

    * Peace offerings

    * Maintaining + Deepening Trust

    * Safety of sharing feelings

    * Holding space for our partner’s feelings - Containers (Opening - Closing - Postponing)

    * Communication: Stay with your own feelings and avoid ‘you’ statements

    * Tracking self, other and what’s happening in the space between.

    • Emotional Freedom Technique

    In this session we will deepen into the power of presence, identify, explore, experience and clarify the nature/ feeling / results in one’s own direct experience of presence.

    We feel the vital role of deep listening combined with a compassionate knowledge of the nature of the deeper feelings of our partner and ourselves.

    Break out Groups

    Tracking exercise - Monologue & being witnessed. Repeat questions

    What are the obstacles to being present in my body?

    What fears do I have of being vulnerable and sharing my feelings?

    What are the strongest feelings, sensations, and thoughts in my body right now?

    How does shared presence feel in my body?

    - Practice Integrating + Stitching

    10 minute break

    Opportunities for counsel + Group share about your experiences

    Closing & prep for next session


    Today we will be clarifying core wounds and their holding patterns in our body memory, bringing presence and inquiry to support communicating from challenging/emotional places.

    Morning Session:

    Meditation + drop in grounding - EFT + Resourcing

    Group check in/shares


    To a working degree, we have all already identified our core pattern + compensations + relationship cycles + defences + resources.

    Last class we worked with the exploration of tracking ourselves deeper as well as the space between and accessing vulnerability and openness.

    Today we are going to dive into the core underlying emotions, processing trauma, fear, pain, terror or negative self evaluations through EFT.

    We are finding how these compensations take shape/hold in/on the body ( track/journal)

    We are finding the ways that we avoid feeling the core pain memories, and protect ourselves from vulnerability or sometimes numbing and feeling nothing.

    We are getting somatically comfortable with titrating and gradually becoming conversant and then fluent with the felt sense and experience of those memories in the body.

    We will prioritise a safe context and container to be able to inquire and deepen. (Refer to Principals)

    As we are Identifying and clarifying the core core feelings & emotions inside of your somatic experience - the are beginning to heal. Through these threads we are learning how to communicate openly and vulnerably about that feeling or feelings when it arises.

    How do you learn to safely ask for what you need when this arises…. That’s each person’s individual work. And as you also have access to self-supporting, your partner can also become conversant and fluent in meeting those feelings in you.

    Opportunity for Counsel

    LUNCH - 2hr

    Afternoon Session -


    Contacting, Accessing, Deepening, Acknowledging, Tracking your partner + yourself + the space between

    Break out Groups / Experiential exercise


    Explore in Monologue with your partner contacting the core emotional patterns…

    Sensations, emotions, qualities

    What beliefs are attached? What do you know about these feelings from your past?

    * Following the innate wisdom of compassion and self-compassion and its impulse to heal, allowing it to prompt you.

    Your partner:

    Contact different things that you tracked, saw, experienced.

    Anything you were curios about.

    Anything that touched you.

    Acknowledge experience, pain or feelings.

    Look out for and track your own patterns and fears.

    - Alternate.

    - Practice Integrating + Stitching together

    Group shares

    Opportunities for Counsel




    Morning session

    Opening meditation

    Group check In’s

    REVIEW: Yesterday - In conflict and life, we can healthily respond to core feelings through: Deep listening, tracking, contacting, & stitching

    Conflict is generally involving triggered feelings, not always, which means that part of them is latent.

    Stay close to emotions and share the more vulnerable core feelings first, stay curious.

    Translate the emotion using the past as well as current situation. All our core emotions generally involve the past and often to a large degree.

    Every conflict is an opportunity to more deeply heal our past if we remember that feeling in its context.

    - Fractional statements vs. Total statements.


    - Be a Team

    - Convert Conflict into Greater Trust

    - Both re-initiate Postponed Conflicts

    - Meet in the Heart After

    Questions + Shares




    - Bringing things up

    - Making Requests // Needs and desires

    - Apologies + Making Repair

    - An Exploration on Forgiving Injuries

    - Requesting Apologies

    - Creating agreements around boundaries // enlisting both of you to keep it alive // enforcing them as a team

    - Stitching + Integration - the ability to track growth and encourage it, see the long-view.

    Q + A + Comments

    Break out groups

    Exercise: Practice Apologies // Agreements // Requests // Requesting Apologies

    - Practice Integration + Stitching together.

    Questions + Shares

    LUNCH - 1HR


    Check in’s on the exercise + Q & A


    Deepening into emotional truths, fears and needs (based on your pattern), and the drivers behind your behaviour.

    We begin the vulnerable process of putting those wants, needs, and fears on external speaker.

    We begin to experiment more with your developing sense of trust and your ability to stay in touch with your inner experience, express that experience to your partner and then hear how it impacts them.

    We work with a sense of trust that comes with understanding self and other.

    * For experiential: Checking in with your level of trust - in terms of what that entails | discerning within distrusting child parts vs. Parts that correspond to wounds in the relationship and seeing what those need - reassurances or proper apologies or some kind of action, etc.

    Experiential exercise

    Developing a clear picture of your behavior in the cycle

    What emotionally triggers you?

    Practice with your partner expressing specific core experience and needs of your core pattern.

    Practicing contacting: giving your partner appropriate and tuned re-assurances.

    ***Bring into awareness in mindfulness,

    ***Slowing down enough to begin the process of reconsolidating the body memory (that manifests as the pattern)

    ***Activating the High Self and wisdom.

    Practice Integrating + Stitching

    Questions + Group shares




    Check ins

    Any lingering needs or curiosities, revelations



    Time in presence + communicational intimacy

    Setting aside time to truly be present with each other.

    The growth commitment as an individual and a couple

    On the Calendar

    Growing individually and together going forward: REACTIVE vs. PRO-ACTIVE:

    Shares & Questions

    Breakout Group - Embodying keystone practices

    Practicing the frameworks from the keystones

    Questions + Group shares





    Check ins + Group shares

    integrate and stitch the threads of the biggest takeaways, deaths and rebirths of this immersive journey for the two of you.

    Break outs

    * In this fun & creative closing session, couples will customise a ritual that will integrate what you have learned in this immersive journey for the two of you. And that represent the sowings seeds of intentions and visions for ourselves, and our couple.


    Together, we will celebrate who we have become and the fruits of this journey.

    Couples will share their etude with the group.


By pre-registering early, you secure your spot in the program alongside the next cohort. By keeping the numbers limited, we prioritize an intimate and customized experience for each participant. Rest assured that if we reach maximum capacity, you will be prioritized on a waitlist for the subsequent immersive experience. Pre-register now and secure your place. We can't wait to dive into this transformative journey with you!

“Relationship is a mirror. Every moment the other can be a window that reveals you, exposes you. The closer the relationship, the clearer is the mirror.”

Meet your Guides Antonia + Roger

As a fellow couple committed to growth, we are passionate about relationships and relationship as a vehicle of growth. We are honored and excited to guide and share the space with you, diving into the deeply rewarding journey of this retreat, the explorations and discoveries, and the real-time intimacy and tracking. We are here to support each couple in their unique experience. We look forward to growing alongside you as the group genius of this living container brings forth healing, empowerment, and gems for us all,

We both have our own private practice and work with couples one-on-one as well as couples therapy. When a couple wants to dive in deeply, we offer an immersive opportunity where we both work them for 1-5 days in a transformative couples retreat.

  • Antonia is an intuitive energy healer and guide. She walks through your worlds with you with exceptional safety and security throughout your paradigm shifts, holding you with love, compassion, grace and skill in becoming realized in your Divine expression, supporting you in living through your heart’s intuition, and guideing you towards embodying your innate essence.

    Through her trauma informed understanding that nonverbal expression reveals more than our verbal stories can ever tell about the core material that organizes our experiences, she works with the body as a direct route to the unconscious.

    Antonia has a profound adeptness and deftness in working with the body, self and soul on all levels, and in the multidimensional field. Through through the wisdom of the body, and setting up experiments in mindfulness, we can an invoke the psychedelic experience without the psychedelics.

    Between co-regulation and self regulation, deep full body listening & awareness, Antonia supports your self healing by evoking and midwifing you through your body and soul's natural, healing processes and through re-consolidating formative experiences using the relational space and sometimes, support from others, including comforting touch.

    Antonia has been practicing, and facilitating deep meditation journeys for 22 years, using various modalities.

    She leads a yearlong immersive training, to support therapists, healers, bodyworkers, leaders, change agents, guides and facilitators.

  • Roger is a somatic therapist, awakening + embodiment guide, and facilitator of transformational journeys. 17 years ago, inspired by an awakening, he committed himself to a lifelong path of rubber-meets-the-road growth and sharing it with others along the way.

    In his session-work, the transformative power is in the catalyzing field of co-regulated presence. You can start with anything in your life that is alive for you right now. The present moment is the starting place, and looking deeply is the journey. The body and emotions are deeply affected by the shared inquiry process, as the deeper body awakens, purges, heals, and reveals its histories and secrets. Together, he navigates with you in a safe, deep and compassionate process towards naturally emergent discoveries that pivotally change one’s inner-outer experience.

    Roger has been practicing + facilitating deep journeys and gatherings for over a decade, using various modalities.

Hear what people are saying:

“Learning from a master is such an incredible privilege, and Antonia is a true master. She has such an impressive breadth of knowledge and wisdom. Every lecture, every question answered and every live session was vibrant and yielded so much learning on my part.

I am beyond grateful to have had access to her both a teacher and a healer.

— Jeni Wishmeyer

“Roger is a master tracker - among the finest of minds. Yet he’s soft. There’s a patient heart to this man that naturally opens the paths of insight within me. Bountiful kudos are owed to him for facilitating a process that is as disarming and gentle as it is incisive, deep, and clear.”

— Award-winning Film Director Emmett Brennan ('Inhabit: A Permaculture Perspective', 'Reflection: A Walk with Water')


  • By pre-registering, you express your interest in participating and reserve your place in the event.

    To pre-register, you will need to provide your name, contact details, and submit a deposit fee of $15. The deposit fee acts as a commitment to attend the immersion and helps ensure a dedicated and engaged group of participants.

    This deposit fee can be refunded at any point during the waiting process if your circumstances change or you decide not to proceed with the program.

    Once the pre-registration reaches its capacity, which is limited to 15-25 people including both couples and singles, and when our other programs clear, we will conduct a group poll to determine the most suitable timing for everyone. This collaborative approach ensures that the scheduling accommodates the majority of participants, maximizing the opportunity for collective growth and connection.

    Pre-registering for the "Foundations of Thriving" immersion sets the stage for an enriching and transformative journey. It grants you early access and guarantees your place in the program.

  • A: You can pre-register at any time. If you’d like to meet us as a first step and get clarity if this is right for you and your partner - you can fill out the contact form in the button below and we will schedule a free initial 30-min intake call to connect . If you are a couple already doing couples therapy with us, there won’t be a need for an intake call.

  • A: Yes, we will all be reading ‘The Five Personality Patterns’ by Steven Kessler as a powerful and essential primer for getting the most out of this deeply healing and illuminative journey. The preliminary 1-hour couples counseling session will, among other things, be used to pivotally support you both in identifying and making sense of these ‘stances’ or core triggers that happen during overwhelm.

  • A: Our pricing structure has two payment options in addition to the regular fee. For those who need help, we offer a reduced tuition option, and for those who are able to help, we offer the chance to add a “Pay It Forward” addition to regular tuition, with those additions going directly to provide scholarship opportunities for others. Our pricing is below.

  • A: Probably not, but we'll help you figure out if this is a good fit in the initial intake session. 

  • A: No problem. We can work with your individual therapist to make sure we are on the same page and support the work you are doing in your other therapy.

  • A: Then joining the group will require courage on your part but, rest assured, the group will be a truly supportive atmosphere and a confidential safe atmosphere to grow together. This is an opportunity to help you heal that wound, and have more comfort in groups experiences that you are a part of, maybe even in your family. 

  • A: Recordings will be available of the sessions. Even if you miss one or two groups you will still benefit. Though if you know in advance you’ll miss multiple sessions, understand that you will miss out on the deep experiential benefit of the container.

  • A: No. This group is what is called a closed group. The members you meet on the first day are the ones that will be with you the whole time unless they drop out, and no new members will be added.

  • A: YES. This month-long is for both couples and singles.

  • A: Yes, it is In-person

    Retreat will be an option available to participants who completed the month-long. Hosted at a beautiful location in the Berkshires for 3 nights and 4 days (delicious organic meals and rooms provided), this retreat will be a way of meeting up together to share in the beauty of transformation, journeywork, and the natural world. Due to limited spaces, the first 5 couples who commit will secure their spot. For more Winter Retreat details, schedule and more information, click here.

  • A: For those who need help, we offer a reduced tuition option (see pricing at bottom of the page), and for those who are able to help, we offer the chance to add a “Pay It Forward” addition to regular tuition, with those additions going directly to provide scholarship opportunities for others. For those who would like to request a payment plan, we are happy to offer those. Please reach out.

  • A: Due to the commitments of our planning process, all sales are final. No refunds will be granted.

    However, funds may be applied to future programs or session-work.

    Under extenuating circumstances we will discuss.

  • A: If you have any questions, requests, or considerations about signing up for the course OR during the course, you can reach out to Matt in our Support Team and he will assist you:

Join us on this Month-long Journey:

  • 1 year of therapy in 1 month

    This consolidated one-month timeline will accelerate progress + connection. The combination of education with therapy in a focused group container is a powerful catalyst.

  • 30+ hours, custom & interactive

    There is ample interactive and experiential time to meet the unique needs of each couple and individual.

  • 1 Preliminary Session

    For participating couples and singles, after the intake call, we will schedule an included preliminary counseling session.

  • Extracurricular étude

    Optional practices for couples to explore between our meet-ups.

  • Live Sessions

    Opportunities to receive counsel through voluntary demo work in the supporting field of the group.

  • Deep resources.

    Unlocking experiences deep parts of us have longed for. Fills life with new wonders, intimacy, and adventures of possibility.

Equivalent 30 hrs of Relationship Therapy vs. Private Relationship Retreat vs. ‘Foundations’ Month-long

Are you ready to take the shared journey in “Foundations of Thriving”?

To make this month-long accessible to our community, we offer two payment options in addition to the regular fee. For those who need help, we offer a reduced tuition option, and for those who are able to help, we offer the chance to add a “Pay It Forward” addition to regular tuition, with those additions going directly to provide scholarship opportunities for others.

Reduced tuition
for those who need help

per person

7-Part ‘Foundations’

Pre-Registration Open Now:
To be Scheduled at Capacity

By pre-registering, you express your interest in participating and reserve your place in the event.

To pre-register, you will need to provide your name, contact details, and submit a deposit fee of $15. The deposit fee acts as a commitment to attend the immersion and helps ensure a dedicated and engaged group of participants.

To ensure an intimate and personalized experience, we are limiting pre-registration to a capacity of 15-25 individuals, welcoming both couples and singles.

By intentionally keeping the event intimate, we aim to create a space where individuals can feel seen, heard, and supported. This environment encourages meaningful exchanges of insights and wisdom.

Once pre-registration reaches capacity and our other programs clear, we will conduct a group poll to find the timing that works best for everyone, scheduling the immersive experience accordingly.

Pre-registering early guarantees your place in the program with the next cohort. When we reach maximum capacity, rest assured that you will be prioritized and placed on a waitlist for the subsequent immersive experience. Pre-register now and secure your place. We can't wait to dive into this transformative journey with you!

Regular fee

per person

7-Part ‘Foundations’

“Pay It Forward”
for those who are able to help

per person

7-Part ‘Foundations’